Bald-faced hornet nests, like this large one in St. Charles, are revealed when the leaves fall from the tree. The former residents, a type of…
Bald-Faced Hornets
What comes to mind when you think of a good neighbor? State Farm? The folks next door? Bald-faced hornets? Okay, that last one may sound…
Bald-Faced Hornet, Hornet, Murder Hornet, WaspHornets

What comes to mind when you think of a good neighbor? The folks next door? State Farm? Bald-faced hornets? Okay, that last one may sound like a stretch. After all, aren’t hornets the critters people get “mad as?” And isn’t “stirring up a hornet’s nest” the last thing you want to do? Really, though, bald-faced
Bug, Hornet, Insect