The calendar says spring is still two weeks away, but nature’s signs are unmistakable. For one, tiger salamanders are on the move, making their annual…
KCCN Season Is Just Around the Corner

Learning experiences such as this very wet wetlands field trip help participants in the Kane County Certified Naturalist program understand the connections within our local…
Environment, Naturalist, NatureKane County Certified Naturalists

Participants in the Kane County Certified Naturalist program learn about local ecology through a combination of coursework and field trips to area parks and preserves.
Expert, Naturalist, NatureThe Perfect DIY Gift for Nature-Lovers
Become a Naturalist!
I can remember every detail of the day I told my high school guidance counselor that I wanted to be a naturalist. First, there was…
Expert, Naturalist, NatureThe Good Natured Hour
As we slowly crawl from our quarantine-kindled cocoons, many of us are looking at the days ahead as a sort of rebirth. We’re vowing to…
Entomologist, Good Nature, NatureHickory Knolls Natural Area
Okay folks, show of (thoroughly washed) hands… How many of you had your spring break plans dashed by the COVID-19 conflagration? Were your visions of…
Hickory Knolls Natural Area, Natural Area, NatureNature on a Train!
Nature on a train. I know, it sounds like an oxymoron. Or maybe the title of a toned-down Samuel L. Jackson movie. But it’s also…
Environment, Nature, TrainKane County Certified Naturalists

Josh Libman, naturalist with the Forest Preserve District of Kane County, describes an ecological process during a KCCN field trip to Johnson’s Mound Forest Preserve in Elburn. Good Natured: Kane County Certified Naturalists November 27, 2019 Well, it’s that time of year again. The temperatures have dropped, the leaves have fallen, and the long,
Expert, Naturalist, Nature