The calendar says spring is still two weeks away, but nature’s signs are unmistakable. For one, tiger salamanders are on the move, making their annual…

Skunk cabbage is northern Illinois’ earliest blooming native wildflower, popping up in late winter in groundwater seeps, springs and fens.
Bloom, Season, Skunk Cabbage, SpringFall Colors
Overwintering Butterflies
Robins — In Winter?!
Bird Tracking
Coyote Territory Time
Snakes in Fall

Blotchy and big-adults average over 4 ft. in length-nonvenomous fox snakes are our area’s longest native constrictors. This time of year, they are heading for hibernacula, areas that might include garages, crawlspaces and basements. Good Natured: Snakes in Fall November 6, 2020 We all have our dreams…a fancy house, a fast car, maybe fame
Fall, Season, Snakes