With egg-laying season just around the corner, American mink will be out and about, hunting for active waterfowl nests. Good Natured: Mink-n-Eggs March 24, 2023 Next weekend, April 1, the St. Charles Park District will hold its annual Easter Egg Hunt at Pottawatomie Park. Thousands of eggs, hundreds of kids. A sugar-fueled good time will
Mink Tracks

February 20, 2015 Mink Tracks Well furred to guard against the cold, mink paws have five toes and measure from 1 ¼ to 2 in. in length. Mink live where prey animals are plentiful. In the TriCities, their habitat ranges from marshes and streambanks to retention ponds in subdivisions and shopping complexes. Several years ago,
Animal Tracks, Mink, TracksMink

April 6, 2012 Last weekend, the St. Charles Park District held its annual Easter Egg Hunt at Pottawatomie Park. Thousands of eggs, hundreds of kids…a good, albeit chilly, time was had by all. While that egg hunt is over, another one is just beginning. We’re on the verge of waterfowl nesting season, and ducks and
Animal, Critter, Mink