As social birds that are aerial insectivores, purple martins require treeless open space around their housing. Good Natured: Hosting Purple Martins April 7, 2023 According to the Cornell Lab of Ornithology, North America is home to 2,059 species of birds. Of these, 2,058 are pretty self sufficient. Sure, they could do without humans’ constant interference,
Purple Martins

If you’ve ever visited Hickory Knolls during the months of May, June or July, you’ve probably noticed a certain bubbliness in the air, a constant, cheerful chatter that surrounds the nature center and garden plots. Long-time residents will recognize the sound as a distinguishing feature of this area, one that dates back to the days
Bird, Fly, Purple MartinPurple Martin

If you’re like me (and Heaven help you if you are) you may find yourself faced with a daily barrage of questions, mostly self-imposed, on a wide range of topics. Like, for instance, who decided that dandelions are “bad” and need to be killed? How and why did the myth get started that a mother
Bird, Fly, Purple Martin